0 Table of Contents |
  1 IHE MPD (Medication Prescription and Dispense) |
  2 How to read this publication |
  3 Volume 1 |
   3.1 Glossary |
   3.2 Use Cases |
    3.2.1 Use Case 1: Order straight to dispense |
    3.2.2 Use Case 2: Proposal order |
    3.2.3 Use Case 3: Dispense before prescription |
    3.2.4 Use Case 4: Change dosage during treatment |
   3.3 Medication Concepts |
   3.4 Order Management |
    3.4.1 Single- and multiline prescriptions |
    3.4.2 Managing order status |
   3.5 Interoperability Model |
   3.6 Data Models |
   3.7 Actors and Transactions Overview |
   3.8 Security Considerations |
   3.9 Cross-profile Considerations |
  4 Example implementation architectures |
  5 Volume 2 |
   5.1 PHARM-X1: Submit Medication Order |
   5.2 PHARM-X2: Retrieve Medication Orders |
   5.3 PHARM-X3: Submit Medication Dispense |
   5.4 PHARM-X4: Retrieve Medication Dispenses |
   5.5 Error Codes |
   5.6 Test Plan |
  6 Artifacts Summary |
   6.1 IHE MPD Order Receiver (server) |
   6.2 IHE MPD Order Receiver (server) |
   6.3 IHE Pharmacy Order Filler Actor |
   6.4 IHE Pharmacy Order Placer Actor |
   6.5 activity-resource |
   6.6 group-or-identifier |
   6.7 Dosaging (model) |
   6.8 Medication dispensation (model) |
   6.9 Medication prescription (model) |
   6.10 Medicinal product (model) |
   6.11 Patient (model) |
   6.12 Practitioner (model) |
   6.13 IHE Medication |
   6.14 IHE Medication Prescription |
   6.15 IHEMedicationDispensation |
   6.16 Medication - Characteristic |
   6.17 Medication - Classification |
   6.18 Medication - Device |
   6.19 Medication - Product Name |
   6.20 Medication - Size of Item |
   6.21 Medication - Strength substance |
   6.22 Medication - Strength type |
   6.23 Medication - Unit of presentation |
   6.24 MedicationRequest - Prescribed Quantity |
   6.25 01A-Cefuroxime1500GenericExplicit |
   6.26 01B-Cefuroxime1500GenericConcept |
   6.27 01C-Cefuroxime1500Branded |
   6.28 01D-Cefuroxime750Branded |
   6.29 02A-ClotrimazoleCanifugCremolum |
   6.30 02A1-CanifugCremolumCreamItem |
   6.31 02A2-CanifugCremolumPessaryItem |
   6.32 03B-VitaminBComplexBranded |
   6.33 04-FirmagonBranded |
   6.34 05A-Tilidin-Branded |
   6.35 10-dispense-1 |
   6.36 10-dispense-2 |
   6.37 10-prescription-cefuroxime-singleline |
   6.38 100-3-medication-prescription-request1 |
   6.39 100-3-medication-prescription-request2 |
   6.40 100-3-medication-prescription-request3 |
   6.41 100-multiitem-prescription-with-orchestration |
   6.42 100-RequestOrchestration |
   6.43 200-multiitem-prescription-without-orchestration |
   6.44 300-2-medication-prescription-request1 |
   6.45 300-2-medication-prescription-request2 |
   6.46 300-dispense-for-2-requests |
   6.47 300-multiitem-prescription-with-orchestration |
   6.48 doctor1 |
   6.49 organization1 |
   6.50 organization2 |
   6.51 patient1 |
   6.52 patient2 |
   6.53 pharmacist1 |
   6.54 practitioner1 |
   6.55 practitioner2 |
   6.56 PrescriptionLine1 |
   6.57 PrescriptionLine2 |
   6.58 PrescriptionLine3 |
   6.59 PrescriptionLine4 |
   6.60 PrescriptionLine5 |
   6.61 PrescriptionLine6 |
   6.62 PrescriptionLine7 |
   6.63 PrescriptionLine8 |
   6.64 PrescriptionLine9 |
   6.65 RequestOrchestration1 |